How You Can Join, Participate and Communicate
Any registered Republican voter is welcomed to attend your Local Meeting to begin at the grassroots of the Republican Party. We meet locally every fourth (4th) Thursday each month.
Meeting Location:
Adair County Courthouse Annex Basement, 424 Public Square, Columbia KY 42728
Meeting Time:
6 pm CT
MEETINGS (RPK Rule 4.03): The County Committee shall hold regular meetings not less than quarterly. Special meetings may be called by the County Chairman or on petition in writing signed by five (5) members of the County Committee and transmitted to the County Chairman. Any such special meeting shall require at least five (5) days written notice to all members of the County Committee. However, in an emergency, the County Chairman may direct the County Secretary to give less than five (5) days notice by telephone or contacting via electronic mail, the members. Fifteen percent (15%) of the membership of the County Committee shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of business.
REGISTRATION REQUIREMENTS (RPK Rule 10.07): In order to be eligible to vote at any meeting, or to be eligible or to serve in any Party position or office describe in the RPK Rules, a person must be and remain a registered Republican voter, eligibnle to vote in the next Republican primary election.
RPK Rule 4.10: The County Committee may itself remove any member without notice for absence from three (3) consecutive duly called meetings, or with 30-day written notice for misfeasance, malfeasance or nonfeasance in office subject to the same appeal as provided in contested elections to the RSCC.
RPK Rule 2.09 (c): Any member or officer of a District, County, Precinct or other Party Committee, may be removed by the RSCC for misfeasance, malfeasance, or nonfeasance in office by the same method provided in 2.09(b).
RPK Rule 2.09 (d): After giving 30-day notice, the Executive Committee, by vote of a majority of the members then present and voting, may declare vacant the seat of any party office holder who supports or supported (during the current or prior-year's General Election) the opponent of a Republican nominee for local, statewide, or national office. Any party officer above may be removed without cause from said office by the Committee of which he is an officer. That is, any of the State Chairman, State Vice-Chairman, or State Secretary may be removed by the Executive Committee; any of the five (5) District Officers may be removed by the District Committee; and any of the five County Officers, or precinct officers, may be removed by the County Committee. Reference RPK Rules for full removal process.
1st Quarter, January - March
2nd Quarter, April - June
3rd Quarter, July - September
4th Quarter, October - December